Bits & Bobs...

Hey Everyone...

Well you'll be glad to hear I finally stopped and REEELAXXXED! Yesterday, I had my first lie in in ages! The fiance and I had a lovely relaxed morning. Of course, Saturday meant a few chores, shopping, cleaning etc, but I also got to have some fun too! 

I am still trying to relax now, so I am just posting a quick blog of bits and bobs that don't fit anywhere else...

Quick & easy pear crumble - made with pears from the tree in our communal garden

My attempt at making a 'craft' area on my shelf - nice to see all my fabrics and granny squares piled up!

A pretty cake stand I have wanted for ages - found yesterday reduced at homebase!

Pear and apple jam (made from my pears and a work colleague's apples) - made yesterday - but it hasn't set!

A metal Moulin Rouge sign from the Toulouse Lautrec exhibition

I have a few more posts lined up that I will be posting over the next few days when I get a chance, but this week is going to be super busy preparing for my first ever craft fair, THIS SATURDAY 1st October at The Boogaloo pub in Highgate, North London!

It would be fantastic if you could make it along...

I also have a reason to celebrate! I have won my FIRST EVER giveaway! I am so excited! The lovely Bibbitybob ran a giveaway for some fantastic designing software and I have won a copy of the Mymemoriessuite! I can't wait to try it out!

Jewel x


  1. Yay! Well done for winning :) and also good luck at your first craft fair!!! How exciting! I'd love to have a go at one one day......hope it goes super duperly fantastically!

    Jo x

  2. Good luck for Saturday! Congrats on winning your first giveaway......I am still trying! lol!

  3. congrats on winning a giveaway! love the moulin rouge metal and the cake stand! glad you had a relaxing day, the pear crumble and the jams look yummy! oh i wish i had my own craft area, my house is just too packed and small and no space left urgghh..lovely fabrics collection u got. x susan

  4. Your craft area is looking good :) I have that same cake stand in pink from Homebase! I am using mine in the bathroom at the moment with bottles and soaps in :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  5. It was a weekend for crumble, I made a forest fruits one yesterday :-)

  6. Love your Moulin Rouge tin sign. I have a picture of the Moulin Rouge in my lounge,

    Victoria xx

  7. The craft fair has soon come around, good luck.

  8. I have that gorgeous cake stand. xx

  9. Hi Jewel, mmmmm, crumble is my favourite dessert, yours looks delicious. I'm glad you like my little giveaway, thanks for taking part. Deb xxx


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