A Make For A Bride To Be...

Hi Everyone,

Hope you've all had a lovely day today! It was very hot here, and I had a good day at my uni course so I'm smiling more than usual.

Today I wanted to share with you my latest make for a fellow bride to be. On a wedding website called Final Stitch I have been offering to make personalised recipe cards for other brides, wrapping in lovely lace and pearls...

Then a bride asked me just to create some cards, with the story of how she met her husband to be, and a poem on the reverse. Here they are...

And I decided to wrap them up in a pretty little package, to make them a little extra special, as she didn't want any lace or pearls...

I hope she likes them! I was thinking of offering these online (ebay and or etsy) and also going to some craft fairs, selling the recipe card ones, all wrapped up prettily! Do you think it's worth while? I don't have an etsy yet, and would need to set one up specially! I could also sell the button & scrabble frames that I blogged about a while back - if you'd like to take a look, I'd love some of your thoughts!

Jewel x


  1. They look fab! Def worth offering on Etsy I'm sure!

    Victoria xx

  2. Hiya Julie,
    For what its worth I wouldn't go with etsy, try folksy, its british and a lot easier to use, to price and seems to get a lot of UK traffic, where as etsy is mostly American.
    The cards are fab, I reckon they'd sell well, and the frames too.


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